
The Trustee Report for 2023/24 can be found here, and for your regular copy of the IMPFT newsletter, subscribe (or unsubscribe) here.

The Inkpen Memorial Playing Field Trust's pavilion benefits from ultrafast broadband, kindly provided by Gigaclear Ltd. If you require internet access for your booking, then you can rely on our gigaclear connection with speeds of upto 900Mb/sec.
There is lots more happening at the Inkpen Playing Field and Pavilion. In addition to the update given at the recent Annual Parish Meeting, the Trustees would like to hear from you.

Please access the short questionnaire below, asking for your feedback on Activities /Clubs that you want at the pavilion.

This Questionnaire is also hosted at and detailed below. Just click this link:

Let us know your views. This is your pavilion and playing field. Please provide your contact details so that we can follow up for further details. We look forward to hearing from you.

Book the Pavilion
Hiring the pavilion and facilities enable us to maintain them whilst remaining a ‘not for profit’ charity
If you would like to hire the pavilion or any of the facilities email Hire Charges are on the booking page, here, and on the notice board. We are also preparing an Facebook page and Instagram account so please do follow us when it's up and running.

The pavilion consists of a main room with Wi-Fi and large television. Kitchen with two cookers, 4 hobs, dishwasher, fridge freezer, microwave, water heater. Glasses, crockery and cutlery also available. There are two toilets and a disabled wet room which includes a disabled shower, toilet and baby changing unit. We are still fund raising for further improvements to the facilities, so if you wish to donate please get in touch.


Please Help if you Can
Our heating system in the pavilion main room and changing rooms is inadequate and expensive to run. We need to install something mush more efficient such as an air-to-air heat pump. If you have a bit of free time and could help us raise funds for this, it would be a great help. Please get in touch at

Learn more


Join me for Yoga in the Inkpen Pavilion on Thursday evenings between 7pm and 8pm. I teach Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, a Yoga flow suitable for all levels.

Here is an idea of what to expect in a class with me…

I start my classes with a focus on breathing techniques that help destress and soothe the nervous system, I will then guide you through some gentle movements to open the body, working on mobility and flexibility. We then move through different poses, strengthening ones, poses that aid in deep stretching and balances too. Ending the class with a mini guided relaxation on our backs, to really rejuvenate mind and body. Through my teaching I aim to have you leaving class feeling strong, stretched, restored and calmer in mind.

To book a space please contact me at or message 07554446502

items in focus

Click on the MENU button to navigate to the particular pages of interest. Some pages are updated more often than others depending on the availability of new information.


The Inkpen Playing Field is most important for the development of a fit and healthy children.

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Be Alert to drugs and vandals

Help us keep our village safe and in particular, keep our open spaces safe for children and young families.

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New Defibrillator

We have a defibrillator at the playing field. Learn how to use it. You may save a life.

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The new look pavilion

Breathing new life into an old structure and inspiring activity in our community - an artists impression.

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© MHL - IMPFT 2021;
Updated August 2021
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